The Makers Keep Mural - Kingsway Mall, Edmonton, Alberta

Here is the mural entitled "Creative Brew" that I painted for the Maker's Keep, a local shop with several locations in Edmonton. The mural can be found at their Kingsway Garden Mall Location. 


Many makers have a routine to get into a creative mode; they might work more than one job, or be a parent, and sometimes it can take a little de-stressing and slowing down to escape the to do list, and worries of day to day life. Getting into the creative zone is not always as easy as flipping a switch. For me, I like to turn the kettle on and brew a tea in the biggest mug I can possibly find. Next I spend some time flipping through my music library and choosing the perfect song or the perfect podcast to get me in the mood. Sometimes it also takes lighting a candle, some breath work or some freeing dancing in the living room. We all have our way of finding our flow and honing in on that creativity energy. What’s your creative brew❓


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